Here we’ll look at how to move from the raw diffusion imaging data to the tractography metrics, whether for global visualization or at the scale of the invididual, using flows created by our laboratory.
For this test, there is a necessity that you have a Nextflow version between 19.04.2 and 21.12.1, the various git flows cloned (tractoflow, rbx_flow, tractometry_flow) and have a container installed.
For Nextflow and tractoflow you can check the installation guide from the tractoflow documentation. Otherwise, the installation of Nextflow is also presented here.
To git clone the different flows you can follow these links:
We recommend that you store the various pipelines in places that are easy to find and whose direction you know.
Finally, you will need a container as Apptainer or Singularity. The whole documentation about it and how to install it is here.
Open a terminal and navigate to a working folder you will create for the test or use this command:
mkdir -p flows_tutorial_1.6.0 && cd flows_tutorial_1.6.0
To make it easier to write nextflow commands, we recommend that you create a shortcut to the file containing your flows.
export FLOW_DIR="/PATH/TO/YOUR/FLOWS/" #Example <export FLOW_DIR="/home/user/libraries/flows/">
If it’s your first time using our flow, we recommand that you should use the following set of data which has been prepared for this introduction.
mkdir data_tuto_1.6.0 curl https://nextcloud.computecanada.ca/index.php/s/jtzgL352cxpxxzt/download -o data_tuto_1.6.0/data_tuto_1.6.0.zip unzip -qq data_tuto_1.6.0/data_tuto_1.6.0.zip -d data_tuto_1.6.0/
Also, you can download the singularity “container_scilus_1.6.0.sif” necessary for this test with this command:
curl https://nextcloud.computecanada.ca/index.php/s/NijdKTP7WWbP7Na/download -o containers_scilus_1.6.0.sif
Finally, create the different directories for the different flows according to the structure of the inputs required for each.
for i in data_tuto_1.6.0/sub-*; do mkdir -p tractoflow_test/raw/$(basename $i);done for i in data_tuto_1.6.0/sub-*; do mkdir -p RBx_flow_test/raw/$(basename $i);done for i in data_tuto_1.6.0/sub-*; do mkdir -p tractometry_flow_test/raw/$(basename $i); done
The first flow we will use is Tractoflow. It will preprocess the DWI and T1 data (denoising, resampling, etc), it will register the T1 to the DWI space and segment it into masks (wm, gm), it will compute the local modelling of diffusion information (DTI, fODF) and do the tractography. See here for the complete list of steps. https://tractoflow-documentation.readthedocs.io/en/latest/pipeline/steps.html.
Add the data needed to launch tractoflow from downloaded data.
for i in data_tuto_1.6.0/sub-*; do cp ${i}/* tractoflow_test/raw/$(basename $i)/; done
The data are composed of 3 subjects and each subject contains 7 files: aparc+aseg.nii.gz, bval, bvec, dwi.nii.gz, rev_b0.nii.gz, t1.nii.gz, wmparc.nii.gz. By default only bval, bvec, dwi.nii.gz, t1.nii.gz are necessary to run tractoflow. But here we’re using tractoflow ABS, so aparc+aseg.nii.gz, rev_b0.nii.gz, and wmparc.nii.gz are required. For more information about ABS, see the reference below.
Run tractoflow (this can take a long time).
nextflow ${FLOW_DIR}/tractoflow/main.nf --input tractoflow_test/raw --local_nbr_seeds 1 --run_eddy False \ --run_topup False --output_dir tractoflow_test/results_tf -profile ABS -with-singularity ./containers_scilus_1.6.0.sif \ -with-report tractoflow_test/report.html -w tractoflow_test/work -resume
- Parameters:
: directory of our data
: number of seeds related to the seeding type param
: activate or not eddy
: activate or not topup
: directory where results will be generate
-profile ABS
: choose the profile TractoFlow-ABS (Atlas Based Segmentation)
: directory of singularity we want to use
: generate a report a the end of the command
: directory where work will be generate
: use the results already created in the work if the command has already been executed
Here, tractoflow was set to be as fast as possible. If you want to check more options, run the command :
nextflow ${FLOW_DIR}/tractoflow/main.nf --help
Or you can check the documentation from tractoflow documentation here.
Once tractoflow is launched, a large number of files are created. Be careful, files in the results folder (–output_dir) are only symlinks to the “work” folder created by nextflow. Do not delete your “work” folder!
- References :
Theaud et al. (2020). TractoFlow: A robust, efficient and reproducible diffusion MRI pipeline leveraging Nextflow & Singularity. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.NEUROIMAGE.2020.116889
Theaud et al. (2020). TractoFlow-ABS (Atlas-Based Segmentation). https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.08.03.197384v1
RBx_flow is a flow that separates your wholebrain tractogram into predefined bundles using a centroid atlas. For that, RBx_flow use two files: the local tracking file and the fractional anisotropy (fa) from tractoflow.
Import local tracking and fa files to RBx_flow inputs.
for i in tractoflow_test/results_tf/sub-*; do cp ${i}/*/*fa.nii.gz RBx_flow_test/raw/$(basename $i)/; done for i in tractoflow_test/results_tf/sub-*; do cp ${i}/*/*tracking*.trk RBx_flow_test/raw/$(basename $i)/; done
Download an atlas and config files for RBx_flow. In our case, we will obtain the atlas and config from zenodo. However, the RBx_flow input architecture must be retained.
mkdir atlas curl https://zenodo.org/records/7950602/files/atlas.zip?download=1 -o atlas/atlas.zip curl https://zenodo.org/records/7950602/files/config.zip?download=1 -o atlas/config.zip unzip -qq atlas/atlas.zip -d atlas/ unzip -qq atlas/config.zip -d atlas/
Rbx_flow segments the tractogram into bundles. To do this, it needs the complete tractogram, of course, but also the FA metric and the reference. That’s why we’ve integrated the bundle atlas (centroids) into our script.
Run RBx_flow.
nextflow ${FLOW_DIR}/rbx_flow/main.nf --input RBx_flow_test/raw --atlas_directory atlas \ -with-singularity ./containers_scilus_1.6.0.sif -w RBx_flow_test/work -resume
- Parameters:
: directory of our data--atlas_directory
: directory of our atlas-with-singularity
: directory of singularity we want to use-w
: directory where work will be generate-resume
: use the results already created in the work if the command has already been executed
For more details about rbx_flow use the command:
nextflow ${FLOW_DIR}/rbx_flow/main.nf --help
Or you can check the documentation for reconbundles here.
RBx_flow has no function for choosing the output directory, so in a second step we need to move our RBx_flow result in the RBx_flow_test directory.
mv results_rbx RBx_flow_test
- References :
St-Onge et al. (2023). BundleSeg: A versatile, reliable and reproducible approach to white matter bundle segmentation. https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.10958.pdf
Rheault, Francois. (2020). Analyse et reconstruction de faisceaux de la matière blanche. page 137-170. https://savoirs.usherbrooke.ca/handle/11143/17255
This flow allows you to extract tractometry information by combining subjects’s fiber bundles, diffusion MRI metrics and lesion metrics. In a first time, tractometry_flow creates a distance map between streamlines and the centroid of the same bundle, and a label map where the bundle is segmented into n segment (20 by default). In a seconde time, it caculates and compiles the metrics along the segmented bundles.
Create the necessary directory for tractometry_flow inputs.
for i in tractometry_flow_test/raw/*; do mkdir ${i}/metrics ${i}/centroids ${i}/bundles; done
Import of data for tractometry_flow: diffusion metrics (fa, ad, md, rd) from tractoflow, centroids transformed and clean bundles from RBx_flow.
for i in tractoflow_test/results_tf/sub-*; do cp ${i}/DTI_Metrics/*__fa.nii.gz tractometry_flow_test/raw/$(basename $i)/metrics/; done for i in tractoflow_test/results_tf/sub-*; do cp ${i}/DTI_Metrics/*__ad.nii.gz tractometry_flow_test/raw/$(basename $i)/metrics/; done for i in tractoflow_test/results_tf/sub-*; do cp ${i}/DTI_Metrics/*__rd.nii.gz tractometry_flow_test/raw/$(basename $i)/metrics/; done for i in tractoflow_test/results_tf/sub-*; do cp ${i}/DTI_Metrics/*__md.nii.gz tractometry_flow_test/raw/$(basename $i)/metrics/; done for i in RBx_flow_test/results_rbx/sub-*; do cp ${i}/Transform_Centroids/*.trk tractometry_flow_test/raw/$(basename $i)/centroids/; done for i in tractometry_flow_test/raw/sub-*; do rm ${i}/centroids/*_Brainstem.trk; done for i in RBx_flow_test/results_rbx/*; do cp ${i}/Clean_Bundles/*.trk tractometry_flow_test/raw/$(basename $i)/bundles/; done for i in tractometry_flow_test/raw/sub-*; do rm ${i}/bundles/*_Brainstem_cleaned.trk; done
Tractometry_flow segments the bundles into different sections (20 by default) and estimates the different values of the diffusion and lesion metrics in each section. At the end, we obtain the bundles profile for each metric.
Run tractometry_flow.
nextflow ${FLOW_DIR}/tractometry_flow/main.nf --input tractometry_flow_test/raw --use_provided_centroids True \ --output_dir tractometry_flow_test/results_tm -with-singularity ./containers_scilus_1.6.0.sif \ -w tractometry_flow_test/work -resume
- Parameters:
: directory of our data--use_provided_centroids
: Use the provided pre-computed centroids from rbx_flow rather than using automatic computation--output_dir
: directory where results will be generated-with-singularity
: directory of singularity we want to use-w
: directory where work will be generated-resume
: use the results already created in the work if the command has already been executed
For more details about tractometry_flow use the command:
nextflow ${FLOW_DIR}/tractometry_flow/main.nf --help
Or you can check the documentation for tractometry_flow here.
- References :
Beaudoin et al. (2021). Modern Technology in Multi-Shell Diffusion MRI Reveals Diffuse White Matter Changes in Young Adults With Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis. https://doi.org/10.3389/FNINS.2021.665017
Cousineau et al. (2017). A test-retest study on Parkinson’s PPMI dataset yields statistically significant white matter fascicles. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nicl.2017.07.020
Once you’ve run your scripts, you’ll get various files in your results directories. The first thing to do is to check your DTI metric in MI-Brain.
The second thing you can do is view the mosaic of your different bundles:
scil_visualize_bundles_mosaic.py RBx_flow_test/results_rbx/sub-PT001_ses-1_acq-1/Register_Anat/sub-PT001_ses-1_acq-1__native_anat.nii.gz \ RBx_flow_test/results_rbx/sub-PT001_ses-1_acq-1/Clean_Bundles/*cleaned.trk mosaic.png feh mosaic.png
Finally, tractometry_flow directly generates plots of the various profilometries of your bundles with DTI metrics. These are very basic, but give you an initial overview of the profile of your bundles. In addition, it also generates json files with all the tractometry_flow data. You can check these files either with Excel, or in python with pandas or polars.
For further information about quality assurance and check, please see the Checks and Stats section.
Complete processing
If you want to launch all the different steps in one you call download this script : all_in_flow. To use this script you just have to modify the pathway for your library flow in the script. Then run the script with this command :
bash all_in_flow.sh