Recobundles is a tool to separate your wholebrain tracking result into different bundles divided into separate files. Dipy has a published version, called Recobundles. It is single atlas and single parameter while our version (which we call RecobundlesX) is multi-atlas and multi-parameter, and shown to be more robust in Rheault 2020 (PhD thesis, chapter 4, An atlas is available on zenodo (models, config and reference). There is a Nextflow pipeline for this tool, available on Github
You can find the description of Dipy single atlas / single parameter here. We also provide a convenient wrapper for that version in which is simpler to use. For multiple bundles however, we highly recommend (i.e. RecobundlesX).
Here is an example of how to run RecobundlesX. In the following script, we take the example of data that has been preprocessed using Tractoflow. tractoflow_folder is your root, which should contain tractoflow’s results for each subject. This script will create a RecobundlesX folder inside each subject’s directory.
Before running, read carefully the script’s documentation (-h) in Scilpy.
You will need ANTs
models_path=YOUR_PATH # Ex: hcp_models/
model_T1=THE_T1 # Ex: ${models_path}/mni_masked.nii.gz
model_config=JSON_FILE # Ex: ${models_path}/config_python.json
# Filtering options (in mm). Change as needed.
# RecobundlesX options. Change as needed.
nb_total_executions=9 # len(model_clustering_thr) * len(bundle_pruning_thr) * len(tractogram_clustering_thr) = max total executions (see json).
thresh_dist="10 12" # Whole brain clustering threshold (in mm) for QuickBundles.
processes=6 # Number of thread used for computation.
seed=0 # Random number generator initialisation.
minimal_vote=0.5 # Saving streamlines if recognized often enough.
while IFS= read -r subj; do
echo "Running subject ${subj}"
# Defining subj folders
# Defining inputs
# Registering model on subject (using ANTS)
# -d=image dimension,
# -f=fixed image, m=moving image
# -t: transformation a = rigid+affine
# -n = nb of threads
# This should create 3 files : model_to_subj_anat0GenericAffine.mat,
# model_to_subj_anatInverseWarped.nii.gz and model_to_subj_anatWarped.nii.gz
model_to_subj=${rbx_folder}/model_to_subj_anat -d 3 -f ${subj_T1} -m ${model_T1} -t a -n 4 -o ${model_to_subj}
# Cleaning tracking file to make sure it is not too big.
# Recobundles is already long enough :) .
subj_filtered_trk=${subj_folder}/Tracking/${subj}__tracking_filteredLength.trk --minL $minL --maxL ${maxL} ${subj_trk} ${subj}_filtered_trk
# Scil's Recobundle
# processes = nb of threads.
# Seed = rnd generator seed.
# inverse is to use the inverse affine
mkdir ${rbx_folder}/multi_bundles ${subj}_filtered_trk ${model_config} ${atlas_dir} ${affine} \
--out_dir ${rbx_folder}/multi_bundles \
--processes ${processes} --seeds ${seed} \
--minimal_vote_ratio ${minimal_vote} \
--log_level DEBUG --inverse -f
done < ${subject_list}
To visualize your results for one subject, here is a nice tool:
anat=YOUR_ANAT rbx_folder=YOUR_RBX_FOLDER ${anat} ${rbx_folder}/*.trk mosaic.png
Here is a nice example to help your compare your results. This was created from a HCP subject.