Interesting scholarships

Here is a list of scholarships that could interest you. You can also check the University’s scholarship répertoire.

Scholarship awards

  • FRQNT:
    Scholarships page. You will find the master, PhD and post-doc pages, and more.
    Description page PhD (ES-D). It also automatically subscribes you to the BESC-D scholarship, which is better. Finally, the BESC-Vanier is the best of all 3 scholarships and application must be filled in separately.
  • Borealis:
    A fellowship for students in Canada studying machine learning.
    Many choices. See their funding page.
  • QBIN (Quebec Bio-Imaging Network):
    Support scholarships for Msc ($5k), PhD ($7k), and Postdocs ($7k). These scholarships cannot be held concurrently with a scholarship from a granting agency (e.g., FRQNT, NSERC). Students and their supervisor need to be members of QBIN. These scholarships are intended for applicants who have been enrolled in a MSc or PhD research program for one year or less. Find information. See also their conference allowance.
  • See also the Canadian Open Neuroscience Platform (CONP).

Travelling awards

Paper awards

  • Releve Etoile Award from the FRQ: $1000 for best recently published paper by a trainee (need to be first or co-first author). Usually 2 deadlines per year (September 1st and March 1st). See FQR’s page.

  • Brain Star Award: $1500 for best recently published scientific paper by a trainee (1 deadline per year, usually January). See CAN-ACN’s page.