Interesting scholarships
Here is a list of scholarships that could interest you. You can also check the University’s scholarship répertoire.
Scholarship awards
- CRSNG/NSERC:Description page PhD (ES-D). It also automatically subscribes you to the BESC-D scholarship, which is better. Finally, the BESC-Vanier is the best of all 3 scholarships and application must be filled in separately.
- Borealis:A fellowship for students in Canada studying machine learning.
- UNIQUE:Many choices. See their funding page.
- QBIN (Quebec Bio-Imaging Network):Support scholarships for Msc ($5k), PhD ($7k), and Postdocs ($7k). These scholarships cannot be held concurrently with a scholarship from a granting agency (e.g., FRQNT, NSERC). Students and their supervisor need to be members of QBIN. These scholarships are intended for applicants who have been enrolled in a MSc or PhD research program for one year or less. Find information. See also their conference allowance.
See also the Canadian Open Neuroscience Platform (CONP).
Travelling awards
See the UNIQUE funding page mentionned above.
The RBIQ offers travelling awards. See their competitions page.
Paper awards
Releve Etoile Award from the FRQ: $1000 for best recently published paper by a trainee (need to be first or co-first author). Usually 2 deadlines per year (September 1st and March 1st). See FQR’s page.
Brain Star Award: $1500 for best recently published scientific paper by a trainee (1 deadline per year, usually January). See CAN-ACN’s page.